Siegen Earns Funding as Hub for Research into Artificial Intelligence

Siegen Earns Funding as Hub for Research into Artificial Intelligence

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a research unit on artificial intelligence at the University of Siegen.


As part of its strategic funding initiative in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the German Research Foundation (DFG) will be funding eight new research units—including one at the University of Siegen. The “Learning to Sense” project, with Prof. Michael Möller of the Chair for Computer Vision as its spokesman, is based at the university. Its funding is initially scheduled to run for four years, with the option of a four-year extension. “I’m quite thrilled about the success we’ve found in positioning the University of Siegen as a high-profile site for AI research,” says Prof. Thomas Mannel, Prorector for Research and Young Scientists. “In particular, the links between artificial intelligence and sensors, which already have a long tradition in Siegen, open up new perspectives.” The new units will receive a total of around 31.4 million euros. The University of Siegen has applied for 3.2 million euros.


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