From research group to collaborative research center: Work from the particle physicists at the University of Siegen drawing worldwide attention.
Scientists at the University of Siegen are researching theoretical elementary particle physics at an elite international level. Their strong performance has led to the creation of a Collaborative Research Center Transregio (CRC/TTR) for this field, as well as strong praise in an assessment of the prior project by the German Research Foundation (DFG). From 2013 to 2019, researchers in Siegen and the TU Dortmund worked under the title “Quark Flavour Physics and Effective Field Theories,” researching the properties of the fundamental building blocks of matter, known as quarks. The project was shaped by an extraordinary success: The DFG assessed the Siegen research group as not only having improved the state of flavour physics worldwide, but also in many areas surpassing the stated goal of the project. This is a tremendous boost for the visibility of the University of Siegen.