Prof. Dr. Laura Black

Current professional background

I am a Professor of Management at Montana State University, Bozeman, United States.

Field of research

Women entrepreneurs, collaborative processes for innovation, organisational change, and participatory modeling for decision making and collective impact.

Purpose of your last research visit

I came to Siegen to work with Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ettl on our joint project, which looks at how entrepreneurs define success, as well as the reasons for them becoming entrepreneurs in the first place.

Relation to the University of Siegen and the local host

I have known Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ettl since I attended a conference in 2013, we got talking and recognised that we were both interested in women entrepreneurship. Since then we have worked together on research papers and visited one another in Montana and Siegen.

Future projects and Activities

We are currently focused on our current paper as it goes through the review process. Once we are finished with that, then we are considering a new paper in which we model the theoretical construct which emerged from our previous paper.

Impressions of Siegen

I really like the Siegerland, I like how green it is, I love the hills, the shops, the people, and the delicious cheeses!