Prof. Dr. András Bátkai

Current professional background

I am a Professor of Mathematics at University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg) in Feldkirch, Austria. Originally I am from Hungary.

Field of research

Applied functional analysis, history of mathematics.

Purpose of your last research visit

To work on the teaching of history and philosophy of mathematics in the teacher training programmes. It is important for future teachers to learn about the history and philosophy of their subject to understand how ideas developed and to see that mathematics is a human product which developed over time.

Relation to the University of Siegen and the local host

We co-authored several mathematical publications. The collaboration started when I was a Humboldt Fellow visiting my host, Prof. Dr. Nickel, and now we are working on a new project.

Future projects and Activities

My host will visit me in Vorarlberg during the academic Year 2018/19, we plan to finish a joint publication and incorporate the new ideas in our teaching practice.

Impressions of Siegen

I like the small town of Siegen, the hills, the walks through the forest to the Emmy-Noether-Campus. It is a great place to work.